Sunday, June 19, 2016

Prophetic Word...This is a Time of Crossover into the New Season

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In my dream I saw a huge wave of water come rushing in around everyone.  No one was prepared for what was coming as they were living their life without regard to God and His holy ways.  Those who did not know what was happening was in fear, but those who had an intimate relationship with God and knew His voice were at peace and joyful. 

God was sending His living waters to surround everyone to cleanse and purify them and the territory that has been occupied by the enemy for too long.  Those who were in Christ were not affected because they knew the high waters would not overflow, consume or sweep them away. 

God is bringing deliverance to the dry wasteland that has become polluted with toxic waste behaviors that are of this world that is often culturally accepted and a social norm, which is not of God.  For those who will receive the transforming waters will be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit promoted with spiritual gifts to be used in the Kingdom of God.  Those already walking in the Spirit, the transforming waters will propel you into performing signs and wonders for the Kingdom of God.  You will walk on earth as it is in heaven with a holy anointing interceding on behalf of others and the nation. 

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There is a revival coming to awaken this dry land that is going to seem contrary to everything we have ever known.  God is nearing the time to turn the world, political structures, cultural norms, religious legalism, and the global economy inside out, upside down.  Do you not perceive it?  Heaven is breaking in to spring up something new here on earth as it is in heaven. 

The Kingdom of God is here and here to stay...God is about to send satan back to hell where he belongs.  How do you prepare?  Be ready for the wave of rushing waters that is about to overcome.  This is not a physical rushing water, but a flooding of conviction from the Holy Spirit leading to repentance, asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  It is a time to get yourself and your household in divine order with the leading of the Holy Spirit so that you may receive all that God has for you. 

This is a season of miracles, signs and wonders with prosperity, abundance,  healing, protection and divine wisdom if you choose  to walk in the ways of holiness instead of happiness which is fleeting.  God is sending all kinds of warnings that things are about to shift and transition which will look chaotic unless you are firmly rooted in Christ.  God is preparing the way with water in the desert and streams in the wasteland so that His chosen people that He formed for Himself will proclaim His praise (Isaiah 43).  This is a time to crossover into the new season.  Will you be ready?