Sunday, December 3, 2017

Surgery is Recommended

Many of you know that Kendall was born with a congenital heart defect, a right aberrant arching aorta.  This was not diagnosed until she was eleven.  We had known from birth that something was not right because she always had eating and digestive issues.  It was always diagnosed as gurd or acid reflux disease.  However, in 2011, I had her and her team that I co-coached at the Little League State Championship Game where Kendall got really sick and was loosing a lot of weight which she was already very tiny frame and didn't need to lose any weight.  Once we got home from the championship game, I took her to her doctor who referred her to a pediatric gastroentolgist specialist at the University of Virginia Hospital.  Upon hearing her symptoms, the doctor immediately determined that this was not a gastro issue, that she had a congenital heart defect.  I was in disbelief as he is describing this and referring us to the pediatric cardiologist at UVA. 

At our appointment with the cardiologist and many tests performed, it was confirmed that she was in fact born with a congenital heart defect.  Further procedures and tests would be performed where the team of doctors would meet in conference to determine a prognosis for Kendall.  The determination was that nothing could be done because surgery would be too risky.  Her main heart aorta is going the wrong way which each time it pumps blood, it is crushing her esophagus down to the size of the end of a pencil point. 

Every day Kendall feels discomfort that has affected her way of life that what seems normal for most individuals is challenging for her such as simply eating.  Kendall is unable to eat a meal without concern if something is going to get stuck and choke her.  She worries if she will get sick while she is eating and have to throw up.  She always feels nauseous everyday whether she eats of does not eat.  Most people looking at her would have no idea what she goes through on a daily basis.  In order to cope with this, she will not eat all day if she is going to school, if she is involved in activities outside of school or will avoid going to restaurants, friends or families homes to eat for fear she may get sick.  As you can imagine, this has caused intense anxiety for her. 

Not only does Kendall struggle with the physical structure defect of her heart and esophogus, but is has mentally and emotionally affected her way of life.  After struggling and working with UVA for nearly seven years with lots of prayers, tears, frustration and anointings over Kendall, we were finally led to Johns Hopkins Hospital a few months ago.

Upon our first appointment with both pediatric cardiologist and pediatric gastroentologists, we knew God was answering our prayers and we were exactly where we were supposed to be.  We felt heard and were offered hope for answers to help get Kendall finally relief.  I will never forgot the one doctor kept repeating that, "I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but I have recently had several other kids younger than Kendall with the same symptoms."  She continued to share that those kids had surgery that were fairly successful.  I told her that we knew it was no coincidence because we have been praying about this for a very long time for God's complete healing upon Kendall.  We knew that it was an appointed time.

Kendall had another follow up at Johns Hopkins with a team of doctors ruling out other possibilities.  She have two more procedures that she had to have done.  Johns Hopkins worked in collaboration with UVA for these two procedure because Johns Hopkins does not accept Kendall's health insurance.  This was also a blessing that the hospitals worked together.

Then what I thought I was prepared to hear, I quickly realized that I was not prepared.  The cardiologist called me Friday morning to tell me that the team of doctors met about review all of Kendall's health history from the past to currently.  She stated, "We do RECOMMEND surgery."  I was flooded with mixed emotions recognizing that I was trying to hold back my tears as I was talking to the doctor.  I must not have done a very good job of holding back my tears, because the doctor then focused on me and asked what was going on for me, which made me even more emotional.  I told her I knew that this was an answered prayer that we have waited for so long for.  It was also a realization of the risks that are involved with this type of surgery.  I was navigating in the tension of feel overwhelmed that God had finally heard and answered our prayers, but also feel scared. 

While we have been waiting for the doctors to review all of Kendall's recent tests, I have specifically been praying that God would give me a dream or revelation somehow to let me know that this is what we are supposed to do.  Just two weeks before we heard that Kendall would need surgery, God gave her a dream that would reveal that she went through surgery, and it was successful.  She saw them x-ray her after the surgery and everything was now healed and restored.  I know God gave Kendall that dream for not only her to have peace and confidence that she is going to be just fine, but also for me as well to have peace, trust and belief that God has orchestrated her healing for this appointed time. 

Out of curiosity, I began to research her surgeon that would be performing the procedure.  He is from Italy that came to the US 20 years ago.  He studied under the first doctor to successfully perform a heart transplant.  He then practiced at George Mason University and has not been at Johns Hopkins for the past ten years where is over the pediatric department.  His specialty is congenital heart defects and has performed this procedure before. 

Last Friday, I had to cancel all of my appointments so that I could just sit with God and hear His heart and ask Him for understanding for my mixed emotions.  This is what the Lord said to me:

Beautiful One,
I have heard and answered your prayers.  This is where you are and Kendall are supposed to be.  I have orchestrated the timing of this so that Kendall is mature to help make her decisions, but also have this surgeon trained and equipped to do this type of surgery.  Kendall and you already know that you are supposed to move forward with this surgery.  I gave her the dream that it was all successful to give her peace and confidence.  You know that I speak to her as we as I did to her on November 26th, 2011 when I affirmed that I have heard all of your prayers that may not be answered that night (on November 26, 2011), but that I was answering them.  The appointed time is now.  This surgeon came to the US 20 years ago and has been at Johns Hopkins for the past ten years.  He is the best of the best and the time is now for Kendall to be healed with a quality way of life that will propel her speaking and in leadership roles to encourage and inspire other who may also be suffering with their own physical or mental health struggles.  It is a time for Kendall to arise and shine and move into her destiny that I created her to be and do at the foundations of the earth.  She is going to offer HOPE, her testimony and My goodness for all to hear, see and know My Son Jesus Christ.

All I can say is, "Thank you Lord for using Kendall, her congenital heart defect, her mental and emotional struggles of who you are going to use all of this to reveal and show your glory for all to see who you are, God."  God you are amazing in how you have been with us through everything down to the point of preparing and making a way when we continued to hear repeatedly that there was nothing that could be done. 

Friends, let this be a testimony to never give up HOPE!  Contend for all of God's promises for you because the enemy is always trying to defeat, hinder to delay our blessings.  With God all things are possible, for it is written and God's plans are irrevocable. 

We have some more hurdles to jump through because as of December 31, 2017, Kendall no longer has health insurance.  I am trying to figure out what health insurance is available to her and one that Johns Hopkins accepts.  We need prayers for this.  Once this is resolved, then we will have a consultation with the surgeon, then surgery will be scheduled.  After the surgery, Kendall will recover in ICU for about three days with another three to four days in a general room.  I will be staying with her the entire time.  I appreciate ongoing prayers for Kendall's surgeon, doctors, nurses, and those caring for her to make this possible.  We have and will continue to proclaim a successful surgery and complete healing in the Name of Jesus.  Please be in agreement with us.  Where two or more are gathered and in agreement, God hears and answers are our prayers.  God bless each of you.  Amen. 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Urgent Message to Pray for Asia
               On November 26,2017, I had a dream where God gave me an urgent message to pray for Asia.  I thought ASIA!  Why ASIA?  Of course then this made me wonder what the name Asia actually meant.  What I found online is that the ancient Greek meaning of Asia is sunrise or East.  The modern meaning was dawn, perfect or virgin.  Online I also found that it was believed that Pharoah’s wife’s name was Aspasia which is a version of Asia.  Of course we know that Pharoah’s wife raised Moses as her own son.  I also discovered that the name Mary derived from Asia which means “perfect woman.”  Both of these women were significant in raising "deliverers."
                As I sat and listened for God to speak to me about this dream, he said to me:
Beautiful One,
                I gave you this dream because there have been so many curses spoken over the continent Asia.  These curses have multiplied and manifested into a deeply rooted generational divide, senseless wars and hate for each other.  In the media and public, you hear destructive words of damnation upon this continent and their people.  This is not My will or intent.  Not only the people of Asia, but the general public that is watching is spiritually blinded and immature not knowing how destructive words are increasing with evil intent and actions against My people, My creation, and The New Jerusalem. From the west coast line of the Mediterranean Sea to the east coast line of the Pacific Ocean, from the north coast line of the Arctic Ocean to the south coast line of the Indian Ocean, I am asking you to pray and intercede for Asia and the countries it encompasses.  There are so many false religious gods and idols over this territory that is allowing satan to tear down and tear apart this territory and the people.
                This revelation seemed to overwhelming to me so I asked God what is so important about Asia, and what do you want me to know from this revelation that I just received.  I then started to get the names of countries; China, Russia, India, Korea & Japan.  All of these individual countries are politically, economically and militaristically dominant.  Their leadership is corrupt where they are seeking world power and dominance with wrong motives and intentions.  There is movement for one world bank where these countries would be in control of currency.  Currently the US and UK owe significant amounts of money to Japan and China.  They have leverage over the US where our monetary and economic system could potentially fail.  In fact, if things continue the way they are going, this world is on a path of self-destruction at the hands of man.  If this happens, they will take the US and the rest of the world with it.  We have here the possible emergence of the anti-christ as described in Daniel 11.  We are nearing a time of nations being judged as prophesied in Joel 3:9-14.  We are on the brink of a war beyond anything we have ever seen where there will be massive casualties.  The Lord gave me this dream to warn others to begin praying and to intercede on behalf of Asia, but also for the world.
                So I petition you to pray with me in agreement that the generational curses of divide, hate, war, and the worship of false gods be broken in the name of Jesus.  I pray the blood of Jesus over the territory Asia and claim Jesus’ authority to overturn the corrupt rulers, leaders and structures that have been used to dominate and oppress God’s people. 
                I am still seeking and praying asking for God’s wisdom with this dream because this all seems beyond my understanding.  I have hesitated to publish this blog, but God continues to nudge me to do so.  After the news on Tuesday, November 28th,  that N. Korea now has a rocket that can reach the US mainland, I realized that this is truly an urgent matter that we all come together and pray for Asia.  I welcome anyone’s insights that you may have that you would like to add about biblical prophecy in regard to these countries or any revelation that you may have of the current economic structures in these countries.   I am not an expert in any of these areas, but I am only being obedient to what God has given me to share.  God bless each of you and our world! God in your mercy, forgive us for our sins for we do not know what we are doing.  Pray for Asia!  God shared that it is an urgent matter.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

God is Forewarning the People

               On September 23, 2017, I dreamed that everywhere I looked water was rising.  People were in their homes or outside going about their business as usual.  People could even see the waters rising.  They had sufficient time to move to higher ground, but they remained complacent and continued in their normal routines and behaviors. 
               As the water ascended, I was warning people to go to higher ground with me.  It was like they didn’t believe me or heed the warning or they didn’t feel the water would overcome them.  I saw many people, but one family in particular I warned that the waters were about to rush over the roof of their home and consume them.  As the water began to flow over the roof like a waterfall, I ran for higher ground ascending up the mountain.  The people at the house stayed, and I saw the waters begin to overflow them.  I kept running to the top of the mountain.  I never saw them again.
                As I got to the top of the mountain, I looked as far as I could see.  Everywhere I saw water and to my dismay, I saw only a few people.  As I sat there, I felt subdued and reflected on what I could have done differently to get the others to come along where God wants everyone to go; to ascend higher in relationship with Him, to seek God’s eternal rewards instead of the worldly successes and desires, to have eternal life forevermore.  Then I recalled a revelation God gave me several weeks ago that I am not to be distracted by those who choose to live a life in sin once I have ministered and shared with them about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  God was very clear that there will be those that go with you and those that choose not to go with you because they are happier in their sinful lusts and are blinded by the enemies tactics, lies and deceit.  Their ignorance will not save them now because God’s grace is not to be taken in vain.  There are consequence for sin.  It is their free will choice to make that decision and that is not to be my burden.  God already knows those who will go and those who will fall.
                Then the Lord took me to Jeremiah 51 where Jeremiah was sharing a prophetic  message about the fall of Babylon.  Jeremiah was forewarning the people of eminent destruction from the Lord as a result of living foolish lives instead of living for God.  The Lord is about to break in to end this senseless behavior, idol worshippers, sexual immorality, and the mockery and disgrace of those who refuse God’s wisdom and knowledge.  God revealed to me that it is a time of separating the sheep from the goats.  The sheep will be on the right side of God.  The sheep are blessed by God and will have an eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of God.  God established this divine order at the foundation of the earth.  God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  His word and promises of eternal life and eternal damnation has not changed.  He will carry out His plans.  Those who have stored up earthly riches and sought earthly pleasures of happiness instead of holiness, God says, “Your end has come, the time for you to be cut off” (Jeremiah 51:13).  However, there is always an opportunity to repent and turn back to God who can then have the promises of God’s eternal life for those that believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
                There is no one more powerful, beautiful, sovereign or mighty than God Himself.  Jeremiah 51:15-16 states, “He made the earth by His power, he founded the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.  When He thunders, the waters in the heaven roar; He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.  He sends lightening with the rain and brings out the wind from His storehouses.”  In Psalm 93: 4, we again see the power of God and his unchanging nature.  It states, “Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea—the Lord on High is mighty.” Isaiah 51:15 shares that, “For I am the Lord your God, who churns up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is his name.”  Psalm 42:7, tells us that “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”  Psalm 89:9 says that, “You (God) rules over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.” 
                The Lord has declared it is an appointed time to come to pass that before the peoples waking eyes He is going to repay for all of the wrong done against God, the earth and God’s people.  God is forewarning people that it is a time to, “Lift up a banner in the land! There is a battle coming of mass destruction never seen before of uncomprehendible ruination.  We are going to see come to pass where, “The sea will rise over Babylon, its roaring waves will cover her.  Her towns will be desolate, a dry and desert land, a land where no one lives, through which not many travels.  I God will punish the Bel (gods) in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed.” (Jer. 51:42).
                However, those who have remained obedient and faithful to the Lord, God has promised to, “defend your cause and avenge you.” (Jer. 51:36).  We have known that this time was coming, we just do not know the hour, but God is giving us signs all around us.  He has told us not to, “Lose heart or be afraid” (Jer.51:46).  We are to trust, believe and continue to cling to the  cross during this time that the Lord has said, “Will surely come when I will punish the idols of Babylon” (Jer. 51:47). 
                When the Lord destroys the wicked, He has revealed that He will, “Silence her noisy din. Waves of enemies will rage like great waters; the roar of their voices will resound.  A destroyer will capture the warriors and break their bows.  For the Lord our God is a God of retribution; he will repay in full” (Jer. 51:54-57).
                I now can understand why in the dream I was subdued and felt so sad.  The warning signs are all around us and people are not aware of what God’s word or promises say.  In Luke 21:25- 28, Jesus tells about these signs that marks the beginning of his return.  “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.  On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.  At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. “  As a people, we have departed from God who is to be our first love.  It grieves God deeply.  It is not too late though.  Before a great fall, there is always a choice to return back to God which should be out first love always and forever. 
                God has been preparing me for months now to share the urgency of the times that we are in.  God also sent a brother in Christ, Dinky Conley, to share a message with me that he received from God.  Most in the Town of Dayton would know Dinky.  Dinky is with the Town of Dayton Police. He served years as police chief and upon retirement he has been serving at Pence Middle School as a resource office mentoring to those students.   Dinky has a huge heart for our youth and you always see him with a smile on his face.  I know he made a significant impact on my daughter, Kendall when she attended Pence.  Dinky continues to stay in touch with her and follow her activities supporting her. 
                Dinky randomly came to visit me one morning a couple of weeks ago.  He came with a heavy burden on his heart.  He also told me that he did not want me to think he was crazy, but he had a message for me that God had given him weeks ago.  He had been wrestling if he had truly heard right and if it was in fact me that he was supposed to give this message to.  I assured him that I would not think he was crazy when he told me that God sent him to give me a message.  The message that God had for me was that  I was to begin to preach about the impending end of times.  Dinky had no idea, but he came to give me affirmation for what I had already been hearing from God.  However, I had been praying and asking God how he wanted me to share this as I was uncertain of how God wanted me to do so.  God used Dinky to affirm what I had been hearing so that I would faithfully and obediently walk out what God was asking of me.
                I continued to pray and ask God how to do this.  For weeks I heard nothing.  Then this morning the Lord gave me this dream to share to hopefully be an awakening message for those who aren’t sure where they stand with God, or those who have deliberately cut off God or those who simply may have never heard God’s word.  Regardless of anyone’s circumstances or situation, it is an urgent time in which God is calling His children back to Him.  It is a time to come to the altar where God’s arms are wide open to receive you.  It does not matter where you have been, what you have done.  It only matters that you come to God NOW – TODAY to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  The blood of Jesus will wash away all of your sins making you pure in God’s sight.   
                It is not a time to hope that you are saved, but a time to know you are saved.  The Kingdom

of God is at hand, so repent.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lord Jesus, What is on Your Heart?

I approached my prayer time differently this morning.  Instead of talking, praying and petitioning God for what I wanted, I asked God what was on His heart, and what would You, God, want me to know?  Our relationship with God should be a two way communication of sharing and listening to each others heart of concerns, joys and burdens.  On my intentional faith journey for nearly eight years now, I don't know that I gave God this space to share what is on His heart.  What I heard, God was still so lovingly tending to me, but also shared a message for all of us of what His mission has always been from day one at the foundations of the earth.  Oh how comforting our Lord is.  This is what He shared:

Beautiful One,
I am moving swiftly and suddenly to transition you into the Promised Land.  The depression you are experiencing is the spiritual battle that is trying to keep you from entering the land I have promised you.  There are many spiritual battles running rampant around the world where the enemy is trying to coerce nations against nations, people against people, and leaders against leaders. 

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Call upon the angel of armies to be released that is caught up in the third heavens.  Pray that My authority will pour out from opened heavenly gates.  Decree that the stolen blessings for America and the people will be restored sevenfold to one of prosperity, equality and love for all like never seen or experienced before.

There is a movement of unity within the body of Christ where stones are being strategically placed upon My foundation with Christ as the cornerstone.  This stone wall that is being added to is becoming a strong fortress that the enemy will have no power over.  Once the stone fortress is completed, God's temple will be completed where there will be unending worship, tears wiped away, fine linen worn, walls adorned with precious gemstones, pearly gates, golden streets and My Glory will be shining and reigning with splendor for ever and evermore. 

Spread this Good News to each person that they are an integral part (like a precious stone) that must be placed to complete My Kingdom work and temple in totality and unity which is the New Jerusalem. 

Hallelujah, The Lord has spoken and shared His heart.  Have you asked today what is on the Lord's heart?  Have you given your heart to Jesus Christ so that you can experience your place in eternal life with Our Lord?  Amen.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Writing is On the Wall

For the past couple of weeks, I have been seeing glimpses of God's supernatural movement in other's lives that I have been ministering to.  God has also been sharing glimpses of revelation to me through dreams of what is about to come along with vision of how He is positioning me and the ministry to be a city of refuge for an awakening and revival to sweep across the United States.

God has been speaking very clearly to me about a new spiritual realm or Promised Land that the ministry is about to cross over into.  As I receive God's revelation, I have such peace and humility knowing that God has entrusted me with His divine promises.  God's divine promises also provokes the enemy's attacks upon me in my places of weakness more intensely during these times as well.  I can feel the presence of the enemy's darkness lurking around me, oppressing me, depleting me and making me feel weary with sometimes even getting discouraged waiting for answered prayers.

God always though affirms and counter attacks the enemy's lies and deceit in which on July 19th God said to, "Praise Me for the delay in answered prayers into the Promised Land and count it all a joy, beautiful one, for everything is beautiful in My divine timing."  God reminded me to remain sure footed and content by accepting the season or terrain that He has brought me into.  God said, "The chaos, the heaviness of darkness, and spiritual warfare is increasing my physical and spiritual stamina to persevere in the harsh environments that will be intensifying as God's people become more divided, cold hearted toward each other, more hate violence erupting, instilled fear that prevents the truth from being preached and a nation that is so far removed and cut off from God that the Holy Spirit is grieving."  God assured me though that He is still in control and is working behind the scenes.  God is raising up warriors and asking that we continue to remain obedient like Abraham, faithful like Moses and a humbled and courageous servant to God like Job who suffered and lost everything. 

During these troubled and intensely divided times between race, color, religion, socio economic disparity and political affiliation, one thing is for sure, God is about to flip the social and cultural "money tables" with a shaking like this country has never seen before.  God is about divine order where I believe we are experiencing the times of Noah and the great flood.

In fact, on July 26th, God gave me a dream about the Prophet Joel.  I was perplexed of what this might mean.  As I sat and prayed to God the dream was unbelievable, but also so wonderful.  The name Joel means, "Yahweh is God."  Joel was one of the twelve prophets who was very strong willed.    God revealed to me that a "Spirit of Rebellion and Offense" is upon the people.  People of are so removed from God, God's Word and Truth by choosing to live a life for self gratification in seeking happiness instead of holiness.  Just as Joel was warning the people of Judah of God's forthcoming judgment, I believe Joel showed up in my dream to warn the people that we are nearing those times again of impending judgment upon the United States.  God is urging us to turn back to Him by turning away from sinful behaviors, complacent living, self gratifying desires and anything that distracts us from our priority of being in a relationship with God.  In Joel 2:12-14,

"Even now,” declares the Lord,
    “return to me with all your heart,
    with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
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Rend your heart
    and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
    for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
    and he relents from sending calamity.
 Who knows? He may turn and relent
    and leave behind a blessing
grain offerings and drink offerings
    for the Lord your God." 
The writing is on the wall.  The history that we are trying to remove and hide by not acknowledging our sinful past, we are now repeating it again by trying to remove the very things of the dark shadow or sinful places within ourselves that we don't want to acknowledge.  Those things that we don't acknowledge, still hold us a prisoner and control our behaviors which are most often maladaptive, reactionary with outbursts and often projected in hurtful ways upon others. 
My prayer is, "Lord in your grip and in mercy, awaken this blind nation full of dry and hateful bones to one where the Holy Spirit will pour out upon all of your people, where we will prophesy again, where there will be a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit creating unity in the body of Christ.  Lord, let there be a powerful movement of seeing your signs and wonders from the heavens that fall upon this earth bringing healing and deliverance upon your people. May we make you our first love by loving you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength."  Amen.