Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dying Well Means Living Well

My semester break has been one of God taking me even deeper into the inner depths of my sinfulness.  This is one of the most painful truths and realizations that I have had to acknowledge within myself.  Not only has it been painful mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but also physically.  I have experienced God rooting out hidden sinful desires within my heart.  My heart has ached, it has throbbed and pulsated to the point that it has felt like my heart was in my throat.  There is nothing that I can do except sit in prayer and meditation breathing through the throbs.  I would just keep repeating and asking, "God, please help me and take this away."  It made me restless and there was no escape from it.  Sleep was even difficult as I laid my head down on my pillow and asked God to just wake me up when He was done and it was all over.  He didn't answer that prayer either because I believe God wants me to feel the consequences of purging my sin.  By recognizing my desperate need in my suffering, I understand the depth and need of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I believe if I don't understand fully the suffering of Jesus' death for our sins, then I can't fully understand or comprehend the significance of His resurrection.  This understanding is crucial to my obedience in how I live everyday to become Christ like so that I can live out His purpose and will for my life.

Finally as I am writing this, the throbbing and pulsating is subsiding where I am now noticing a warmth of love radiating through my chest.  No longer do I feel like my heart is in my throat.  I believe God wanted me to acknowledge His restorative and redeeming work in me. 

God's restorative work in me has also made me keenly aware of past relationships, circumstances and/or actions where I have hurt others or acted in inappropriate ways that were ignorant and/or spiritually immature.  I publically want to make these wrongs right by saying I am truly sorry for any hurt or pain that I may have caused.  As my time as a hospital chaplain, I got to sit with individuals who were nearing death.  What I noticed is that those individuals who had confessed regrets and remorse to me for unreconciled relationships and wrongs in their life, they experienced the most difficult time of letting go and dying.  I don't want to be that person with unreconciled relationships or wrongs in my life.  I want to be able to die well and that means that I must live well today and each day until God calls me to my eternal resting place. 

For me, this means that each day I should ask myself how I can participate with God in His Kingdom to fulfill His mission of restoring creation.  I end with this prayer. 

God, I pray today and each and every day that not just me, but for all of my brothers and sisters that you will continue to increase our eyesight so that we can see the way you see.  Give us your heart so that we feel for others the way that you love them right where they are at.  Give us your thoughts to increase our insights of how we can achieve justice for all.  Give us your Spirit of consolation so that we can continually be fully present with others in truth, love, mercy and grace.  Protect us God from the enemy attacks that deceive to divide us.  Make us aware to discern evil spirits so that we can intercede to create healing, peace, transformation and unity among our brothers and sisters.  Equip us for this battle to be warriors against the enemy and not against our brothers and sisters.  Thank you God for your continued love and hope in humanity.  Thank you for being with us in all of our messiness where you still love us the same.  Amen
Resource credits for photos:

Saturday, December 27, 2014

An Ignatian Adventure to Holiness
Over my semester break, I have been engaging in spiritual exercises developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola.  My hope has been to deepen my relationship with Jesus Christ to a new, higher spiritual realm.  I want to travel to the center of God's heart and become at one with Him.  This way to holiness is not only for me to experience God's voice of what He is inviting me too, but also for me to be able to be fully present to the needs of those that I will be serving.  I desire a pure discerning heart that leads me on the path to God's will so that I can serve, advocate and nurture the souls of the marginalized, oppressed, imprisoned, broken and lost souls.  Ignatius's exercises takes us to our truest, holiest and deepest desires that connects our heart, mind, body and soul.  It is at this place of connectedness and at one with God where we are less likely to be distracted by inferior thoughts and critical voices, or we can at least discern the difference between the spirits.  Ignatius would call these spirit of desolation (evil) or spirit of consolation (from God). 

St. Ignatius was a Spanish knight during the 16th Century.  He was born to a wealthy family.  He lived a wild and promiscuous life of selfishness and vanity.  During a battle, both of Ignatius's legs were broken.  It was during this time of bed rest for six months that Ignatius would encounter God.  Once he was completely healed, he set out on a pilgrimage and became a Jesuit priest serving the sick and poor.  It would be during this time of service and seeking God's will that Ignatius developed these spiritual exercises.

So one of my daily exercises led me to Isaiah 43:1-7.  I would encourage you to read it at this point.  I was invited to name my God given talents and gifts as well as my limitations and weaknesses.  I sat in silence as the Holy Spirit revealed these to me.  As I listed my gifts and limitations, I sat in silence and solitude meditating over them to see what else God would reveal to me.  This is what came that God revealed to me.
In the midst of my gifts and limitations, I know that God is continually at work within me.  God loves me right where I am.  God made me and created me.  God is revealing to me each day who He intended me to be.  Each day is a new day where He makes me new if I am open to Him forming and molding me into his image.  It comes with painful truths of looking at who I am not.  By facing these painful truths, it releases my creativity, gifts, talents and full potential of who God created me to be.  I am on my way of coming home not only within myself, but God is inviting me and preparing me to move onward to my eternal home.  A process of holiness.

Our time here on earth is temporary, but we can have peace like it is in heaven if we so choose.  It is an individual choice to whether we will participate with God to a way of holiness by surrendering our entire being to Him and His will.  Will we allow Him to transform us through grace into loving, compassionate and nonjudgmental individuals restoring peace, order, systems, structures and relationships?
He has given us the example through Jesus Christ in how to do this as well as His spoken word.  Will we choose to follow in the way we were instructed in word and by deed as Jesus Christ as our example?  It is laid out pretty simple, but in our human imperfections, manipulative ways and selfish desires, we get in the way and distracted by Satan's deceit and lies.  The battle is not with our family, friends, or enemy's, the battle is with Satan.  If we choose to reconcile, forgive, restore and love in all circumstances we open the way and defeat the enemy.  This is how we create unity to defeat the enemy that thereby creates a "beloved community." 

It is a choice.  It is a choice to live a life of holiness each day.  This is the holy work and way that God is inviting and calling us to live.  I personally strive for Christ-like holiness knowing that I fall short each day.  However, by acknowledging the depth of my sins, it reveals my growing edges where wisdom, humility and grace are at work within me.  It is a daily way of living for the rest of my life.  2 Corinthians 7:1 states, "Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."  Amen. 

Resources:  O'Brien, Kevin.  2011.  "The Ignatian Adventure." 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Go & Sin No More

God awakened me from a dream that took me to the place where I realized where sin entered and ruled my life.  God revealed to me what Satan took away from me before my sinful behavior.  Just as Satan came into the Garden of Eden and deceived Adam and Eve, Satan also came to me.  I did not have a solid foundation at the time, nor was I rooted in Christ's truth, promises or Word that would help me to recognize this deception let alone to fight or rebuke it.

Wow, God continues to come to me through dreams to take me deeper into the root causes and painful truths of my sin. None of us are immune to it because of the fallen world we were born into.  However, God has given us His Word, the Bible, to prepare us for the time of tribulation, chaos and catastrophes.  Acts 14:22 forewarns us of this that it is necessary in order to enter the Kingdom of God.  Other scriptures about this includes John 15:20, 1 Thessalonians 3:3, 2 Timothy 3:12 and Romans 8:17.  We will be tested and persecuted by Satan who is looking to devour us in any means possible.  As God continues to reveal to me the depth of my own sin, He also is revealing to me the evil spirits that are roaming in all of us trying to divide us, the systems that diminish us instead of restoring us, the structures that strangle the well-being for all and the tolerance of our social and cultural norms to accept certain behaviors. 

All of us, me included, must continue to pay attention and to ask God to reveal to us our known sin, our sin that is hidden and the sin of past decay in our lives that we must be delivered from.  If we fail to acknowledge our dark side, the enemy will continue to use it as a hook to keep us stuck in those sinful places where it is an obstacle that prevents us from being in a close relationship with God which the enemy so desires.  By acknowledging our sin before God, it no longer has power over us.  We bring it to the light, and it releases the strongholds and bondages that it has had upon our life.

There is no sin that is better or worse than any other.  Simply put, sin is missing the mark and separating us from a relationship with God.  Sin has serious consequences that may not be obvious in the moment, but in 1 Timothy 5:24 it does say that they do trail behind us.  The Good News is that Paul tells us in Colossians 3 that because we have died to sin that our life is also within Jesus Christ.  Since we are co-heirs with Christ, victory has already been won and nothing can separate us from God.  We must understand this faithfully though to not go about sinning knowingly because we now know God's truth with no excuse of ignorance.  A quote that often resonates in my head is,

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay."  The author is unknown, but what wisdom I resonate with this as I understand what sin has done and cost me in my life.  It is a painful truth sometimes too hard to bear. 

Jesus said in the Bible on two occasions that I am aware of in John 5:1-15 and John 8:3-11 to, "Go and sin no more."  Jesus knows we are not perfect, but He does ask us to consider the cost and consequences of our sinful lifestyle choices.  What grace, mercy, truth and holiness He offers us when we don't deserve any of it.  When I reflect on this unmerited gift, it is my longing and desire to give all of myself to Jesus who came to die for me.  How can it be, that we are LOVED in such a way to be set free.  It is overwhelming to comprehend and fully understand.  I praise God and thank Him though for His enduring LOVE for me, a sinner.  Amen!