Monday, July 29, 2013

God's Story of Selling My Home

This journey of selling my home began back in October of 2012 when God asked me to put my home on the market.  I did it but not with a complete willing heart.  It was on the market for two months and I had several showings, but no offers.  Around Christmas time I decided to take it off the market because of the season knowing that it would not get much activity.  I was also wondering if God was just testing me to see if I would be obedient and do what He asked of me.  To tell you the truth, I was relieved that I was sensing that it was only a test and I could stay at my home. 

Over Christmas break from Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) where I was finishing up my Master of Arts in Counseling degree, I took the entire three weeks off to meditate, pray and rest in God’s presence.  I was really looking forward to this time.  Little did I know that he would take me to my inner depths that I did not even know existed?  I call it dark night of the soul.  Not just one time, but two times.  He was pointing out some realizations about me that I needed to work on as well as bringing to consciousness things from my past that I had repressed with no recollection of them.  I also had unresolved pain and hurt of dealing with a divorce, finding out my daughter was born with congenital heart defect that caused her chronic illness and my own personal stuff that I was carrying.   I felt like I was all by myself.  It was at this place though over Christmas where I heard God speak to me and place on my heart a vision of what he was orchestrating for me.  God told me that everything that I have done up to this point that he is going to use.  It is not your typical ministry and one that I could not even orchestrate.  I am in awe of what God is unfolding.  None of this was in my plans.

After graduating from EMU, I went to Israel/Palestine for a month with Seminary at EMU and God was really speaking into me there and affirming that it was time for me to get out of the boat by beginning to put systems and order into place for this vision.  So when I returned, I began to work more on the next steps for the vision, but I was getting some roadblocks and in fact I am still waiting on one major one to open up in which God revealed to me that I needed to sell my house before that door could open up.  There was also this urgency for me to put my house on the market and I really didn't understand why.  I was working tirelessly for an entire week to get the house ready.  I had two agents from my office that wanted to show the house before it went onto the market.  This time, my heart was right and I had a peace about it because I knew that this was the next step in order for God to open the next door to where I am supposed to go.  It was not easy, but I knew it is what I had to do.  I didn’t want to miss God’s blessing for me or others that I will be serving.  I had a knowing that this was the time so I asked my next door neighbor to come over and anoint my house with me and to pray for the perfect people that would love my home as much as I have and would be the perfect neighbors for the people that I love so much.  When I met the family that previewed my home, I just had a peace and knowing that they were the ones that God had sent to live in my home.   I was so thankful that they loved my home enough to make an offer, but it was a low offer and one that I knew I did not have the resources to be able to accept.  I prayed to God fervently asking Him to stir their hearts and rekindle their interest in my home with another offer.  I was so restless that entire time waiting on God, wondering, doubting and questioning what He was doing.  God was getting me up at 2, 3 and 4 am in the mornings demanding time to meditate with Him.  I spent a lot of personal time with Him multiple times throughout the day.   During this entire time He continued to tell me to trust and believe and have faith that all of this is being worked out in his divine time. 

Then, the revised offer came on the morning of July 4th.  I could not believe it.  I was happy that their hearts were stirred & rekindled just as I had prayed, but I wondered how I could accept this offer and accomplish what I needed to do to take care of me moving.  I knew I wanted to spend the day with God in meditation and prayer, but I already had a committment that day to go with a friend to visit someone in a nursing home that had a serious open stomach wound to visit, pray and anoint her.

Once I left from that visit, I was driving around looking for the perfect place to meditate and be with God.  I wanted to be somewhere close to water but everywhere I went, it was crowded because of the holiday.  Then as I was giving up and heading home, I came upon Mill Creek Church of the Brethren on Port Republic Road.  I was being led to pull into the parking lot.  As I sat in the parking lot, I noticed a gazebo under some shade trees and knew that was where I was supposed to be.  I grabbed my blanket, journal and Bible and sat on the floor of the gazebo reading scriptures that my prayer partner had texted me that she sensed God gave her for me as I was praying about this.  Those scriptures were Proverbs 16:1; 3:2,7,8,9,11,16; 15:17; 23:6; 14:6 & 10:2.  They were perfect so I sat and meditated to see if I heard anything.  Nothing came.  I was sort of sensing that I was supposed to sell, but I had not received anything affirming from God that assured me that was what I supposed to do.  Another reason I was sensing that this was right is because the previous week I had received a letter from one of my past retired Bridgewater College professors that used to teach Old and New Testament.  I reconnected with him in the past couple of years and we have stayed in touch.  However, he did not realize that I had been out of the country and he had been trying to get in touch with me by calling me and even stopping at my work place.  So he decided to write me a letter.  I was delighted to get his letter of his updates and he was asking about Kendall and I.  He then shared with me that his partner was selling her townhome which is near EMU.  I thought hmmmm, how did I miss that in MLS and not see it.  So I looked it up, but then discounted it because I did not want to buy, but rent so that I could be completely free from maintenance and not be tied down.  So I went to look at an apartment for rent and did not get a good energy feeling about it.  As I was leaving I thought about the townhome again and called for a showing.  Amazingly on such short notice it worked out.  I went and instantly felt at peace when I walked in.  It is completely 1970’s and outdated, but none of that mattered to me.  I felt a peace.  The same peace when I walked into my current home when I bought it.  I stayed for a long time.  Ironically, in June of 2012, I dreamed that I bought a townhouse almost exact list price as this townhome and it was on the golf course instead of on EMU campus.  However, I love EMU campus and have a peace there just as I do for the golf course.  God gives me prophetic dreams often.  I believe it is his way of preparing me for a change in order to get my heart ready and prepared for the next thing. 

As I gathered up my belongings to leave the gazebo at Mill Creek Church of the Brethren, I put them into my car and felt a tug to walk through the graveyard.  So I did and as I opened the gate and walked through, I felt a presence with me and got goose bumps  from my head all the way down my entire body and I began to weep.  I wondered what was happening to me?  In which I knew – God showed up!  But more importantly what was He going to say to me?  As I look up at a gravestone that caught my attention, it had a solar light butterfly on the top of it that instantly spoke to me of reassurance as God has done before in the past to know that I can trust him.  As I kept walking, two angels side by side were on top of two gravestones which affirmed that I am being led and not alone in this.  As I walked to the back part of the graveyard and turned around, the gravestones dominated my view with the majestic back drop of Mill Creek Church of the Brethren.  I now knew why God led me here and He spoke to me and said, "it is here in June 2012 where you received the Pastor’s for Peace Living Peace Award."  My heart melted and I began to sob as I heard God say that he brought me here to give me peace about accepting this offer .  I felt it and knew that was God’s answer but there was still my human doubt questioning that I would not have enough money to make the move.  I thought maybe I should counter, maybe I should ask to meet them half way, maybe this, maybe that…my thoughts were racing as I was heading back to my car.  As I got to the gate, I looked over to the far right edge of the graveyard and saw another angel that pulled me to the gravestone.  As soon as I stepped in front of it, under the angel it said, “Darling, Jesus is With You.”  I knew that all of these affirmations were no coincidence and that these were messages from God.  This was my answer to accept this price.  I was to trust and believe that God already had it all worked out.  That is when I asked to have the offer in writing and that I wanted another day to pray and do an absolute fast.  I just knew though that was the right answer and I wrote in my journal, God, whatever your will, whatever your will.  I give my all to you.  I want to know more of you so whatever your will.

That day I also I had two devotionals that spoke to me in affirming ways.  The first one was by
Joan Borysenko that said “The Godseed within is coming to flower in the radiant light of summer.
Listening to the voice of intuition we realize our life’s purpose, using our gifts with joy in the service of all beings.”

This is what God is calling me to do and be.  “To be a servant building a community of love.”  This is the mission statement that he gave me over Christmas break for the vision.  I am going to be serving, loving, healing and saving souls.

The second devotional was supported by scripture in Exodus 33:14 that said, “The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you and I will give you rest – everything will be fine for you.” 

 So how do I argue or doubt with all of that????

I signed the contract with some minor changes so the purchasers only needed to initial those changes if they were acceptable to them.  I was notified that they wanted to meet with me before initialing the contract.  I was excited but also nervous to meet with them.  They ended up spending about three hours with me.  It was very emotional sharing my testimony and my love for my home that God was asking me to surrender to Him for this next door to open up.  I was in awe of their testimony of how God was working in their life to get them to this place at this exact moment.  They are an amazing family and are moving here to start a ministry as well.  As I had been praying about their offer, they too had been praying asking God for His guidance and wisdom in what to do.  The morning of July 4th at 2 am, the wife was awakened by God and He audibly told her what to offer me for the house and told her that I would accept it.  So that is what prompted them to make another offer on my home.  Of course, you know that I accepted it and yes the purchaser's accepted the minor changes as well. 

That evening I took a walk to the river.  As I was walking there, I was wondering if a snake skin that I had seen was still laying on a rock near where I sit.  As soon as I got to the river, that is the first thing that I looked for and it was gone.  I heard "it is done"!  This phase of my life is done.  I don't know entirely what that means, but I am hoping that years of pain and suffering may be finally healing  and over with.  The shedding of a snake skin symbolizes transformation and a new phase in life.  Now that my house was under contract, maybe this is the end of a phase and the beginning of a new one. 

I decided to take my shoes off to allow the water to flow over my legs and feet.  While sitting there, a bunch of fish began to jump out of the river like I have never seen before in all the times that I have been at this place.  Once I got back home, I did some research to find the symbolism of what I just experienced.  C.G. Jung said fish symbolized the self or the inner Christ.  I also found an interpretation meaning "one is leaving their abode/habitat to enter into the next phase".  As I was watching the fish, it was almost like a celebration or dance was happening.  Fish also represent change and transformation.  In Christianity, fish represent faith and abundance as observed in the Biblical story of fishes and loaves.  Biblical reference can also be found about Christ and His disciples being "fishers of men."  Man represents the transformational fish - maybe that is what the celebrating and jumping fish were expressing to me.  They were celebrating this new phase of my life.

So on July 6th, I had a fully ratified contract on my personal home.  Three days later I made an offer on the townhome where I feel God led me.  I find out from the listing agent that the seller has a similar story to mine so she and I have a heart connection and we have not even met at this point.  Later that evening I had a ratified contract on the townhome that I am purchasing.   Again, I go to the river to meditate to see what God will reveal to me.  As I am sitting at the river with my shoes submersed in the water that is overflowing my legs, some neighbors come with their dogs so I decide to get up and walk down the middle of the river to the side that I call the peaceful side.  As I am standing at a certain waterhole spot where I often stand, I am greeted regularly by the same fish each time.  It is just one and it is always the same one.  This time it swam closer to me than it has in the past.  The all of a sudden there were bursts of rainbow colors that was surfacing to the top of the water.  This has never occurred to me before.  The only way I could describe it in my journal was that it was like random colors of fireworks or kaleidascop patterns coming to the top of the water.  I saw nothing under the water that would contribute to this and I even tried to take photos of what I was seeing and experiencing.  It was amazing and nothing like I had ever seen before.  I was so joyful at the mysticism that I was experiencing from God.  I knew that this was all of God and He was letting me know how joyful He was that I was following His leading. 

That evening I wrote in my journal that I could not wait for God to reveal the bigger picture and His glory to me of what He is unfolding for myself, but also for all of those that are questioning me, doubting me, calling me crazy and even irrational.  I knew from these few days of how I was experiencing God's mystery and affirmations that there is more and I can't wait to experience it.  I prayed and spoke to God that I just knew He was going to show me His amazing works just as He says and promises in Isaiah 40:5, "And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and mankind together will see it.  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken."  Yes, God has spoken to me in profound ways!  I have heard, seen, felt, experienced and know that He is working all things for the greater good and His glory will be revealed.  He tells us in Psalm 37:4 to delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

As I have witnessed God's supernatural beauty and works, He has captured my heart.  I am mesmerized by what He has already done in my life so I continue to try to deny myself even more and surrender more of my self to Him and His ways.  I want to experience more of His supernatural abilities and gifts in my life.  This entire transaction has been the most effortless one I have ever had in my 17 years of real estate.  I am already moved into my new home and the purchaser's of my home have already moved in as well.  We close on August 5th.  I am excited and expectant to see what doors open once I close.  I will keep you posted on the progression as it unfolds.




Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Bridge is the Middle Way

As I was walking this evening I naturally gravitated to the river again.  This time I stood on the concrete bridge and looked over the opposite side which is downstream from where I usually sit.  As I stood there with my hands on the concrete bridge I felt vibrations going through my entire body.  Was it possible that the water currents were causing the vibrations?  I just stood there and experienced it thinking how is it possible that the water currents could create and penetrate that much energy through the concrete bridge?  Then I thought this is a no brainer!  It is Jesus' living water full of vibrancy and power that actually could do this to bring an awareness to me.

I then walked over to the other side where I usually sit and looked over the edge.  There was a noticeable difference upstream then it was downstream.  Upstream where I usually sit was rapid currents, rocks protruding out of the water, louder noise from the currents and a lot of debris along the edges.  So I walked back over to the downstream side and noticed the water was peaceful, calm, lush green grass of islands and it was quieter on this side.

As I was reflecting what this possibly could represent, I walked down the bank to sit beside the river.  I just kept staring up at the bridge as I sat there.  Then a thought came to me that the bridge is the middle way.  The bridge is the middle connection or crossover from our pain and suffering to the future of peace and calm. 

What happens on the bridge or the middle way until we crossover from the past into the future?  It is a transformational process of where we must go to many times to remove thoughts and memories of the past but also not looking ahead into the future with our preconceived plans and desires.  Looking to the past and into the future is a reaction from an overbearing or underbearing ego that can respond in harmful ways toward ourselves and even others.  It is at this place on the bridge or the middle way where we should spend a lot of quiet time in meditation and prayer asking God to help us keep our thoughts on the present moment and our surroundings.  When we experience times of recalling past hurts, losses or memories we need to release them by lifting them up to God to take.  When we have ambitious thoughts about our future wants, plans or desires again we need to release them by lifting them up to God.

It is at the bridge or the middle way connection where God is cultivating, pruning and ripening our spiritual life so that we can experience a fruitful life of peace and contentment in the present moment no matter what comes our way.  This evening it was evident that across the bridge downstream, it definitely looked more green, lush and calm.  We always want to rush the process or people tell us to just get over our grief and move on.  It is not that simple.  The middle way is probably the most important part of the process and where we should spend most of our time by even revisiting it often on a moment-by-moment basis so that we can maintain this peace.  This will be an ongoing life commitment and discipline.  I am going to be intentional of spending more time on the bridge in the middle so that I can experience peace and calm in my life so that when unexpected things come my way, I am more equipped to handle them.

As I write this, I can still recall and feel the vibrations and energy running through my body at the bridge.  This was an enlightening and powerful experience of what God revealed to me about staying on the bridge in the middle by not rushing the process but sitting and staying in the present moment.  It is at this place where peace, wellness and wholeness can be achieved for ourselves that will overflow positively into others making a mind, body, soul and spirit connection.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Say YES!

photo credit:
I was being called to the river again today to spend one on one time with God.  I was walking briskly and felt so much joy not knowing what God would reveal or speak to me.  I crossed over the guard rail and climbed down onto the river rocks beside the water.  As I was getting ready to sit down, a snake slithered under the rock where I usually sit.  I wondered what I was supposed to do and what did that mean.  Beside this rock in the water I saw a snake skin that had just recently been shed.

Perhaps that is my message that I too am shedding more of my old self, habits, desires, plans and ways.  There certainly has been a lot of radical changes in my life in the past several months.  Some of the changes so radical that I have been called irrational and crazy.  From my flesh way of being I guess I can understand why it would be perceived that I am irrational and crazy.  However, from my spirit way of being I feel set free, joyful and the most excitement that I have experienced in my life.  I know where God is leading me and what He is asking me to do is for a greater purpose that is bigger than me.  It is about total abandonment of my self, desires, wishes and plans by single-mindedly focusing on Him to lead, guide and direct my steps that show me that He is more than abundantly able to use me for His honor and glory.  

I know that in order to walk through the next door for God to unfold the vision that He has placed on my heart, He is asking me to sell my house as well as my possession.  I must admit, at first I didn't think that I could sell all of my possession.  I am still pondering if He really means for me to sell my family antiques.  This of course has brought about much conflict and attacks from family and others that don't understand why God would ask me to do this.  I understand their confusion, but I also understand what God is revealing to me as well.  He has opened my eyes that I am distracted, tied down and in bondage to my house, my belongings and debt.  He wants to set me free so that I won't have any worldly distraction so that I can fully focus on Him and being His servant to serve others who are lost, broken and spiritually depleted.  He wants me to be free to accept and love others fully and unconditionally.  It's that simple.  I simply need to focus on God first allowing Him to cut away and prune more of my imperfections so that I will be able to bear His fruit making me available and free for the harvest that will follow.

At first it seemed like a sacrifice, but now I see it as a gift that He is giving me.  I am gaining so much more than I am losing.  God is wooing me into something big and I want more of His wooing!  Because of His unconditional love, patience and grace with me, He has given me strength and courage to stay focused on Him and the vision that He has placed on my heart.

So the shedding of the old snake skin was the old me that has died and been reborn into the new of what God originally intended me to do, live and be for Him.  I am reminded of the scripture in Psalm 40:3 that says "He will put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord."  Not only has He made me new, but He has given me a new song and desire.  I now embrace this new life purpose mission and song for my life.  Brad Kuster said "Let your life be defined by who you are in Christ and you can live more simply when you go through a life priority adjustment."  My eyes, my focus, my priority is God first in all things and to "But seek first his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).

I am excited about living simply, but boldly, courageously and radically for the Lord no matter how irrational and crazy it may seem.  I have found the answer to true happiness and joy and it is nothing that this world can give me.  Thank you God for quickening my heart, enlightening my mind and awakening my soul.  Your spirit lives in Me.  Hallelujah! 

As I finished writing this, a black dragon fly with deep beautiful turquoise on it kept flying around me joyfully.  I have never seen a dragonfly like this before!  I wonder what message it was trying to speak to me?   Also the entire time I have been sitting by the river, there was also a duck sitting on an island of grass in the middle of the river.  It is speaking of peace and rest in the lush green grass while God's living water flows, controls and orchestrates everything in our lives.  We don't have to do anything other than say "Yes" to allow God to have His way with us.  To say "Yes" to the things we can't control.  To say "Yes" to things we don't understand.  To say "Yes" that God does know the plans for us.  To say "Yes" to walking into the unknown.  To say "Yes" that we do trust and believe in God.  To say "Yes" to the calling.  By saying "Yes" we release and defeat the enemy's bondage of fear, anxiety and worry.  Say "YES" and you will be free.

Now it won't be perfect.  There will be trials and circumstance that come our way.  Just as I am sitting here, I have three mosquitoes that keep attacking me.  So just as nature and life have trials and distractions, we too will experience them.  But it is how we approach these trials and distraction by going to God first.  He will be with us and see us through it and reveal to us either a lesson or way of strengthening our character.  So I encourage you to say "Yes" to whatever you may be experiencing or going through and let God show you how He can bring you through it.  He wants your full attention and love!