Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lord Jesus, What is on Your Heart?

I approached my prayer time differently this morning.  Instead of talking, praying and petitioning God for what I wanted, I asked God what was on His heart, and what would You, God, want me to know?  Our relationship with God should be a two way communication of sharing and listening to each others heart of concerns, joys and burdens.  On my intentional faith journey for nearly eight years now, I don't know that I gave God this space to share what is on His heart.  What I heard, God was still so lovingly tending to me, but also shared a message for all of us of what His mission has always been from day one at the foundations of the earth.  Oh how comforting our Lord is.  This is what He shared:

Beautiful One,
I am moving swiftly and suddenly to transition you into the Promised Land.  The depression you are experiencing is the spiritual battle that is trying to keep you from entering the land I have promised you.  There are many spiritual battles running rampant around the world where the enemy is trying to coerce nations against nations, people against people, and leaders against leaders. 

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Call upon the angel of armies to be released that is caught up in the third heavens.  Pray that My authority will pour out from opened heavenly gates.  Decree that the stolen blessings for America and the people will be restored sevenfold to one of prosperity, equality and love for all like never seen or experienced before.

There is a movement of unity within the body of Christ where stones are being strategically placed upon My foundation with Christ as the cornerstone.  This stone wall that is being added to is becoming a strong fortress that the enemy will have no power over.  Once the stone fortress is completed, God's temple will be completed where there will be unending worship, tears wiped away, fine linen worn, walls adorned with precious gemstones, pearly gates, golden streets and My Glory will be shining and reigning with splendor for ever and evermore. 

Spread this Good News to each person that they are an integral part (like a precious stone) that must be placed to complete My Kingdom work and temple in totality and unity which is the New Jerusalem. 

Hallelujah, The Lord has spoken and shared His heart.  Have you asked today what is on the Lord's heart?  Have you given your heart to Jesus Christ so that you can experience your place in eternal life with Our Lord?  Amen.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Writing is On the Wall

For the past couple of weeks, I have been seeing glimpses of God's supernatural movement in other's lives that I have been ministering to.  God has also been sharing glimpses of revelation to me through dreams of what is about to come along with vision of how He is positioning me and the ministry to be a city of refuge for an awakening and revival to sweep across the United States.

God has been speaking very clearly to me about a new spiritual realm or Promised Land that the ministry is about to cross over into.  As I receive God's revelation, I have such peace and humility knowing that God has entrusted me with His divine promises.  God's divine promises also provokes the enemy's attacks upon me in my places of weakness more intensely during these times as well.  I can feel the presence of the enemy's darkness lurking around me, oppressing me, depleting me and making me feel weary with sometimes even getting discouraged waiting for answered prayers.

God always though affirms and counter attacks the enemy's lies and deceit in which on July 19th God said to, "Praise Me for the delay in answered prayers into the Promised Land and count it all a joy, beautiful one, for everything is beautiful in My divine timing."  God reminded me to remain sure footed and content by accepting the season or terrain that He has brought me into.  God said, "The chaos, the heaviness of darkness, and spiritual warfare is increasing my physical and spiritual stamina to persevere in the harsh environments that will be intensifying as God's people become more divided, cold hearted toward each other, more hate violence erupting, instilled fear that prevents the truth from being preached and a nation that is so far removed and cut off from God that the Holy Spirit is grieving."  God assured me though that He is still in control and is working behind the scenes.  God is raising up warriors and asking that we continue to remain obedient like Abraham, faithful like Moses and a humbled and courageous servant to God like Job who suffered and lost everything. 

During these troubled and intensely divided times between race, color, religion, socio economic disparity and political affiliation, one thing is for sure, God is about to flip the social and cultural "money tables" with a shaking like this country has never seen before.  God is about divine order where I believe we are experiencing the times of Noah and the great flood.

In fact, on July 26th, God gave me a dream about the Prophet Joel.  I was perplexed of what this might mean.  As I sat and prayed to God the dream was unbelievable, but also so wonderful.  The name Joel means, "Yahweh is God."  Joel was one of the twelve prophets who was very strong willed.    God revealed to me that a "Spirit of Rebellion and Offense" is upon the people.  People of are so removed from God, God's Word and Truth by choosing to live a life for self gratification in seeking happiness instead of holiness.  Just as Joel was warning the people of Judah of God's forthcoming judgment, I believe Joel showed up in my dream to warn the people that we are nearing those times again of impending judgment upon the United States.  God is urging us to turn back to Him by turning away from sinful behaviors, complacent living, self gratifying desires and anything that distracts us from our priority of being in a relationship with God.  In Joel 2:12-14,

"Even now,” declares the Lord,
    “return to me with all your heart,
    with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
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Rend your heart
    and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
    for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
    and he relents from sending calamity.
 Who knows? He may turn and relent
    and leave behind a blessing
grain offerings and drink offerings
    for the Lord your God." 
The writing is on the wall.  The history that we are trying to remove and hide by not acknowledging our sinful past, we are now repeating it again by trying to remove the very things of the dark shadow or sinful places within ourselves that we don't want to acknowledge.  Those things that we don't acknowledge, still hold us a prisoner and control our behaviors which are most often maladaptive, reactionary with outbursts and often projected in hurtful ways upon others. 
My prayer is, "Lord in your grip and in mercy, awaken this blind nation full of dry and hateful bones to one where the Holy Spirit will pour out upon all of your people, where we will prophesy again, where there will be a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit creating unity in the body of Christ.  Lord, let there be a powerful movement of seeing your signs and wonders from the heavens that fall upon this earth bringing healing and deliverance upon your people. May we make you our first love by loving you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength."  Amen.