Tuesday, November 8, 2016


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Yesterday, November 7th, was my birthday.  I turned 46 years old.  What I noticed is that it is no longer a painful day for me like it has been for the past five to six years.  Yesterday morning I paused to reflect on that as I watched the new morning dawn.  I had such a peace and gratitude for November 7th which is also my birthright that I now claim and celebrate. 

The Lord created me fearfully and wonderfully with His own hands knowing at the foundations of the earth that He would bring me into this world on November 7th.  What a gift of life He has given to me surrounded by so many important people that have touched, influenced, and/or have been a part of this journey with me.  It is humbling to know that God specifically created me just for Him to be in an intimate relationship with Him.  What an honor to commune, serve and love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul, mind, body, spirit and strength. 

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The Lord's gift of mercy that has been showered upon me must always be given back out of reverence for my Lord to all of God's children regardless of where they are at on their journey or what they have done.  My life is so full and overjoyed in the Lord because of who He is and how He loves me unending, unfailing and unconditionally. 

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It is GREAT to FEEL again and to be ALIVE.  It is all because I know who I am in Christ.  I can now celebrate my birthday, November 7th, and my uniqueness.  It surely is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me that is BLESSED because I AM HIS BELOVED.  Amen.



