Simon Peter was named appropriately, and I feel it was given to me by the Holy Spirit. Little did I know that God would have a message to reveal to me through my ram as he often does with my sheep. In the Bible Simon Peter was known as a man for his boisterous attitude, impulsive behaviors, strong emotions and a pioneer leader for his time. These qualities are positive, but also weaknesses with many growing edges.
I was thinking about my ram, Simon Peter, in his first year of breeding service who is learning his place, his boundaries, and the submission to the seasons of his work and purpose for here on the farm. His purpose is to multiply and be fruitful by successfully breeding my ewes with healthy lambs. However, the optimal season for ewes to be lambing is February, March and April. There are many reasons for me to lamb during that time. I prefer to have the ewes all on a similar schedule, their heat cycle is optimal for that time of lambing, its colder weather and fewer flies so less infections, and the demand for market lambs to be sold at an optimal weight and age.
So how does this apply to our spiritual lives you must be wondering. I know I did as I am still in disbelief Simon Peter cleared the four foot fence without injuring himself. I believe our spiritual journeys in our own lives can be the same qualities that Simon Peter exhibited of being boisterous, gregarious, impulsive, rebellious, acting out of emotion and a strong willed leader. These are not all bad qualities, but can be if they are coming from the wrong attitude, motive or agenda. Even Jesus whom chose Simon Peter to build His church on His Rock, was constantly challenging Simon Peter, mentoring him and molding him into the person he intended him to be so that God's mission could be fulfilled for God's glory.
Simon Peter often got in the way of what God was doing. The night Jesus was arrested, Simon Peter reacted impulsively by pulling out his sword and attacked the soldier of the High Priest (John 18:10). Peter would deny Jesus three times before the rooster would crow (Luke 22:54-62). Though Peter failed to use his voice on this occasion, Peter was bold in his words and actions in his speech that he delivered to the religious leaders after Jesus ascended to heaven in Acts 4:10 where he said, "You nailed Him (Jesus) to the cross. But God raised Him from death." In this moment, Simon Peter portrayed what Jesus saw in him as a leader who would boldly testify Jesus Christ who is the One and only true Rock where God would build His church.
The Lord takes and uses all of our personalities and characteristics for His benefits if we allow Him too. Each step and interaction Peter had with Jesus continued to change and transform him into one of humility, submission and an openness to be transformed for not only the gospel, but for the sake and benefits that others would come to know Jesus.
For a little while longer, the ram will be with his girls until I can work on creating another safe, sheltered space for him out of sight of his 30 something temptations. Isn't it amazing in how God continues to use and speak to me through my sheep? After Jesus ascended and came back to the disciples, Jesus restores Peter by asking him, "Simon Peter do you love me?" Simon Peter says, "Yes, Lord you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." A second time Jesus asks Simon Peter, "Do you love me?" Simon Peter responds, "Yes Lord you know that I love you." Jesus replies, "Tend my sheep." The third time Jesus asks Simon Peter, "Do you love me?" Simon Peter who is now grieved says, "Lord you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus tells him, "Feed my sheep. Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish." Jesus' final words was, "Follow Me."
We are in unprecedented times, where time is accelerating to the eminent foretold by the prophets. What are the areas in our lives that we can allow Jesus in to touch and transform so that we can participate to be a part of the Great Commission that Jesus began in which God will surely fulfill. You have a purpose, you have meaning and you have a calling to fulfill. We are all parts of the greater body for what God wants to accomplish. Take heed, Follow Jesus!