Saturday, December 2, 2017

Urgent Message to Pray for Asia
               On November 26,2017, I had a dream where God gave me an urgent message to pray for Asia.  I thought ASIA!  Why ASIA?  Of course then this made me wonder what the name Asia actually meant.  What I found online is that the ancient Greek meaning of Asia is sunrise or East.  The modern meaning was dawn, perfect or virgin.  Online I also found that it was believed that Pharoah’s wife’s name was Aspasia which is a version of Asia.  Of course we know that Pharoah’s wife raised Moses as her own son.  I also discovered that the name Mary derived from Asia which means “perfect woman.”  Both of these women were significant in raising "deliverers."
                As I sat and listened for God to speak to me about this dream, he said to me:
Beautiful One,
                I gave you this dream because there have been so many curses spoken over the continent Asia.  These curses have multiplied and manifested into a deeply rooted generational divide, senseless wars and hate for each other.  In the media and public, you hear destructive words of damnation upon this continent and their people.  This is not My will or intent.  Not only the people of Asia, but the general public that is watching is spiritually blinded and immature not knowing how destructive words are increasing with evil intent and actions against My people, My creation, and The New Jerusalem. From the west coast line of the Mediterranean Sea to the east coast line of the Pacific Ocean, from the north coast line of the Arctic Ocean to the south coast line of the Indian Ocean, I am asking you to pray and intercede for Asia and the countries it encompasses.  There are so many false religious gods and idols over this territory that is allowing satan to tear down and tear apart this territory and the people.
                This revelation seemed to overwhelming to me so I asked God what is so important about Asia, and what do you want me to know from this revelation that I just received.  I then started to get the names of countries; China, Russia, India, Korea & Japan.  All of these individual countries are politically, economically and militaristically dominant.  Their leadership is corrupt where they are seeking world power and dominance with wrong motives and intentions.  There is movement for one world bank where these countries would be in control of currency.  Currently the US and UK owe significant amounts of money to Japan and China.  They have leverage over the US where our monetary and economic system could potentially fail.  In fact, if things continue the way they are going, this world is on a path of self-destruction at the hands of man.  If this happens, they will take the US and the rest of the world with it.  We have here the possible emergence of the anti-christ as described in Daniel 11.  We are nearing a time of nations being judged as prophesied in Joel 3:9-14.  We are on the brink of a war beyond anything we have ever seen where there will be massive casualties.  The Lord gave me this dream to warn others to begin praying and to intercede on behalf of Asia, but also for the world.
                So I petition you to pray with me in agreement that the generational curses of divide, hate, war, and the worship of false gods be broken in the name of Jesus.  I pray the blood of Jesus over the territory Asia and claim Jesus’ authority to overturn the corrupt rulers, leaders and structures that have been used to dominate and oppress God’s people. 
                I am still seeking and praying asking for God’s wisdom with this dream because this all seems beyond my understanding.  I have hesitated to publish this blog, but God continues to nudge me to do so.  After the news on Tuesday, November 28th,  that N. Korea now has a rocket that can reach the US mainland, I realized that this is truly an urgent matter that we all come together and pray for Asia.  I welcome anyone’s insights that you may have that you would like to add about biblical prophecy in regard to these countries or any revelation that you may have of the current economic structures in these countries.   I am not an expert in any of these areas, but I am only being obedient to what God has given me to share.  God bless each of you and our world! God in your mercy, forgive us for our sins for we do not know what we are doing.  Pray for Asia!  God shared that it is an urgent matter.

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