Monday, August 26, 2013

Give a Voice to Share In Your Suffering With Others

Friday morning, August 24th, I awoke to the sound of God's gentle, steady rain shower.  It was a glorious sound and one I am so thankful for.  To me it symbolized God's holy, living water that was falling down upon us that nourishes our souls and fills us up with what we don't even know what we need yet.  As I laid there, I prayed to receive His holy, living water right where I was at with what ever that may be and what ever may come.  God uses all of the things around us:  He uses all of our past, our relationships, and even our sins to move us and get us to where He intended us to be so that He can unfold and reveal our full potential that He impregnated within us before we were even conceived.  God has given each of us a divine purpose that He wants us to seek out like a scavenger hunt drawing us in closer and nearer to Him so that through the mystery of His grace that is beyond our comprehension, He can strengthen our dependence, our love, our neediness and desperation for Him and our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He has promised us in Jeremiah 29:11, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

As we receive His holy, living water nourishing us, may we release and surrender ourselves and all that we think we are and need to be to His loving hands so that He can mold us and refine us into His image.  Each heartbreak, hurt, loss, betrayal, and abuse has meaning and purpose that is strengthening our inner core, stretching our faith, creating a well of deep compassion for others and giving us a hope that we should only hope in God because in this fallen world others are going to fail us.  As I experience and see these failures in my own life, but also others, it saddens me.  I look at individuals and society with such deep compassion that they don't realize their need for our Savior, Jesus Christ. They may run from Him, deny Him, resist Him, rebel against Him, curse Him or even try to fit Him in when it is convenient to their schedule.  I was one of them when I was lost wondering in my selfish ambitions and desires.  Since I have experienced that feeling of being empty and lost, it saddens me to see but also to feel their brokenness of those that are walking around alive, but spiritually poor and dead.  As God says in Revelation 3:16, "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  He would rather you be cold and not have experienced Him than to be lukewarm for Him.

My spirit and heart has a deep sense of feeling and knowing others spirit.  It is sometimes overwhelming to carry and hold.  I know how my heart aches for others, and I wonder how much greater God's heart must break for what He is feeling and experiencing from His children.  Oh how He must grieve and mourn on our behalf.

So we should count all of our trials, experiences, hurts and pain a joy and seek to know and get closer to the One who has loved us from the beginning.  He has been with us all the days our lives and He wants us to experience and know His unfailing love!  He has something amazing planned for each of us if we will allow Him to show us how to surrender our plans and desires.  If we allow Him to use our pain and circumstances by making ourselves vulnerable and a vessel to share what Jesus Christ has done in our life, we give it a voice so that others can realize that they are not alone in their suffering. It is at this place that it creates a space for them to be healed, transformed and saved as a result of our transparency in sharing our narrative.  If we chose to have no voice, it is all for nothing!  There is a reason, purpose and meaning for everything in our lives.  Give it a VOICE and choose to make a difference in someone else's life.  Your voice will help to heal others, but is also moves and heals you too.  You will be blessed because God uses all things for the greater good for those that love Him. 

Trust and believe in Him to show you how.  I personally found freedom and a release from the strongholds of the past.  If you have something that you would like to share and release by putting a voice to it, I would be honored to hold your story.  You can send me a private email. 

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