Today I visited Parkview Mennonite Church where my roommate for the Palestine/Israel Cross Cultural trip attends church. Her name is Furst Jenkins, and ironically I met Furst over two years ago when we were both interviewing for the Master of Arts in Counseling program. I ended up in the counseling program and she went to seminary. We have stayed in constant contact and now we are going to be roommates for our trip to the Holy Land.
We both know this is going to be an extraordinary experience that God has divinely orchestrated for such a time. Pastor Phil Kniss' message was "All Things New! New Peace." During one point of the service I leaned over and caressed Furst's hand and said that He has made all things new and we are going to experience God's peace! We both were just smiling and glowing with God's love, peace and a knowing.
Pastor Kniss' message spoke to me directly today as he was explaining the way that God's breath is spirit and we are to be one with his breath. We are to act upon His calling for our lives with action just as the disciples did. We too are called to live out God's breath by living, loving, and forgiving by sharing God's truth and peace that He gives us.
As Pastor Kniss was describing this breath and holy spirit encounter, it took me back to the day of January 15th, 2013, between my classes during lunch when I felt God nudging me to a time of prayer and meditation. During my time of meditation, I experienced God's breath pouring in, through, and out of me. It was a surreal feeling that I will never forget. As I was at this place, my body felt so hollow like an empty shell or vessel. As I continued to breath in deeper and deeper, it was as though I was not breathing on my own. The breaths that I was inhaling was so deep, refreshing and flowing in a powerfully strong and unobstructed way. The image that I had was that God was breathing down upon me from my head and I followed the breath as it poured into me and out from my body. I was there for almost an hour and knew I had to get to my next class, but I did not want to leave this amazing feeling and experience of God breathing in, through and out from me. Then, these words were spoken to me:
Beautiful One,
Be still, be still, be still and know that I am God. Give me your anxious thoughts and ways. I am doing a new thing in you so surrender and let go. You can't even begin to see, hear or understand what I am doing, but I am working and moving in your midst. I am the light and truth. I am pouring that into you so that you can be my vessel to speak into others lives who don't know Me or have a relationship with Me. Rest for a while and lay at My feet while I do this new thing in you. There is nothing you have to do or need to do. I just ask you to "be". "Be" with Me in My presence. I will give you peace, joy, affirmation, answered prayers and the next steps you are seeking. Just "be" so that I can fill you fully and completely to prepare you for this next new thing. It is so close beautiful one. Cling to My robe and I won't let you fall. We have beautiful work and an amazing journey planned together.
So I ask you, will you take time to just "be" at Jesus' feet so that He can fill you with His peace, love forgiveness and something new. That is my prayer for you today! Peace be with you! It is at this place of "being" that allows you to receive God's peace. It is God's peace that truly sets us free.
"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law." ~ Galatians 5:1
Peace be with you!
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