Today was orientation day for me at Eastern Mennonite University for a shared cross culture experience to Palestine/Israel called Places, People, Prayers: A Cultural Encounter with the Holy Land. It is being led by Seminary faculty, Dorothy Jean Weaver and Kevin Clark. I have never been to the Holy Land but knew it was something that I was being led to embark on. In a short six month time period, I had been offered on three occasions to go. So when this opportunity came up, I prayed about it and it was clear that I was to go and experience the Holy Land. We will be immersed in the community and their culture for three and a half weeks.
I have high expectations but I can't put into words or even articulate what I am expecting to encounter. I am going with expectancy to encounter the Holy Spirit and pray that prior to me entering Seminary that as I am visiting Holy sites that the Bible will just come alive for me.
As I was sitting in orientation today, I noticed a visceral felt sense in my throat which is the 5th Chakra speaking to me. I was experiencing a throbbing and pulsating feeling in my throat almost to the point of feeling like my throat was closing in. I researched and meditated upon this feeling and it was revealed to me that the Throat Chakra is energy of inspiration, self-expression, communication and creativity coming forth. It also stated that it is an increase in spiritual awareness that allows you to share your gifts, abilities, visions, voices, inner intuition and talents from the divine rather than self-seeking approval from others. It is a time to share and voice your insights and gifts with humanity and the world.
As I meditate daily with the God, I continue to get affirmations that I am on the right divine path and God is unfolding the vision and ministry that He has entrusted me with. As I meditated this evening, I colored a mandala that represented this release of energy that is getting ready to overflow out from me to serve my clients. It is various colors of blue which also represent the 5th Chakra with shades of purple and yellow mingled in. The purple represents the spirit's divine led plan while the yellow represents the energy and inspiration that is bursting to come forth.
Beginning each week, Seminary faculty has given us prepared scriptures and reflections to meditate upon to prepare us for our departure and time in the Holy Land. I hope to share as much of my reflections with you as I can while I am preparing for the trip, but also as I am in the Holy Land.
I would appreciate your prayers for "insha' allah" (God's will) for this trip! Shalom!
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