Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Be Mindful: Your Life Answers Await You!

Today I was being led to walk and go to the river again.  On my way there, I wondered what God would reveal to me during my time of meditation with Him there.  As I sat on a rock close to the water, I watched the rapids flow, felt the water sporadically splashing up on me, and listened calmly to the currents gentle flow.  It is always so peaceful sitting at the river and my mind goes clear with no thoughts, plans or worries. 

As I was looking into the water on a rock,  I saw four snails clinging against the currents.  I thought that they must have amazing strength and endurance to withstand the currents.  Then right in front of the snails in the water I noticed an acorn.  I reached down and picked it up.  It was water logged and black instead of brown from being in the water for so long.  I just stared at the acorn wondering what it symbolized and what it would say to me.  I decided to carry the acorn back home with me.  I felt like the snails and the acorn were relaying a message to me.  As I meditated upon them, they did in fact reveal affirmations to me.

Why do I even share this or spend so much time observing nature around me?  I believe that nature and the universal energies around us are all interconnected to Our Heavenly Father.  I believe that the inherit characteristics and occurrences of nature around us is a metaphor to our own waking life speaking to us in the moment with whatever we may be dealing with.  When you are out in nature among the surroundings, your mind will unconsciously focus or become attentive to an object.  A cosmic energy or force has unconsciously connected and I believe it has a message for you.

My experience with the four freshwater snails and the acorn were definitely a message and affirmation to me with where I am at on my life journey.  I encourage you to be more mindful of nature and your surroundings.  The answers to your prayers that you have been seeking probably has been right under your nose.  This is what I took from my personal experience this evening which is summed up in a poem by Napoleon Hill.

          "The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and
             hidden from the sun.  It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to
             struggle for existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun."

Allow and give yourself personal space to be still and to be mindful.  Your answers await you.  Shalom!

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